North Yorkshire Council


Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Planning Committee


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 11th May, 2023 commencing at 2.00 pm.


Councillor Phil Trumper in the Chair plus Councillors Eric Broadbent, Janet Jefferson, Rich Maw, Heather Phillips, Neil Swannick and Roberta Swiers


In attendance: Councillor Caroline Goodrick.


Officers present: Fiona Casson, St John Harris, Daniel Metcalfe, Hugh Smith and David Walker.


Other Attendees: Chris Bourne (for Item 5)


Apologies: Councillors Clive Pearson and Subash Sharma.   .



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Pearson (substituted by Councillor Swiers) and Councillor Sharma (substituted by Councillor Swannick).






Declarations of Interests


Councillor Broadbent declared an interest in Item 4 on the agenda – application in respect of land off Mill Way, High Mill, Scalby - since his sister owned a holiday home on the site.


Councillor Jefferson declared an interest in Item 4 on the agenda – application in respect of land off Mill Way, High Mill, Scalby - since she was a Trustee of the Coast and Vale Learning Trust of which both Scalby Secondary School and Newby and Scalby Primary School were part.


Councillor Jefferson declared an interest in Item 5 on the agenda – application in respect of the Central Railway Station, Westborough, Scarborough - since she was President of Scarborough Chamber of Trade and Commerce and with her husband owned the Train Shop.






Public Questions and Statements


There were no public questions or statements.






22/01928/OLA - application for the variation of condition 3 and removal of condition 18 on decision 19/01248/OL dated 03.09.2020 to delete the requirement for a pedestrian/cycle bridge/route over Sea Cut/Scalby Beck at land off Mill Way, High Mill, Scalby


Considered –


The report of the Assistant Director Planning (Community Development Services) requesting Members to determine a planning application for variation of condition 3 and removal of condition 18 on decision 19/01248/OL dated 3 September 2020 to delete the requirement for a pedestrian/cycle route/bridge over Sea Cut/Scalby Beck on land off Mill Way, High Mill, Scalby, Scarborough.


Resolved –


That the application be refused for the reasons stated in the report.






22/02501/RG3 - application for public realm works comprising relocation of the station taxi rank to rear and associated landscaping. Alterations to station building to facilitate pedestrian access to the rear. Installation of landscaping, planting, street furniture and public art features to front at Central Railway Station, Westborough, Scarborough


Considered –


The report of the Assistant Director Planning (Community Development Services) requesting Members to determine a planning application for public realm works comprising relocation of the station taxi rank to rear and associated landscaping; alterations to station building to facilitate pedestrian access to the rear; and installation of landscaping, planting, street furniture and public art features to front at Central Railway Station, Westborough, Scarborough.  Updating the report, the planning officer advised that the applicant had withdrawn the proposal to relocate the four bus stops immediately to the front of the station and in light of this change, an additional condition was proposed for the applicant to provide further details illustrating the retention of these bus stops within the scheme, with the wording to be agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair.  In accordance with the Council’s planning public speaking scheme, Chris Bourne (on behalf of the applicant) addressed the committee.  Members discussed the report and welcomed the change of stance about the bus stops noting the inconvenience to bus users which would be avoided.  In response to a concern raised about the removal of all public parking in Westwood car park during the construction phase, the planning officer suggested that condition 12 in the report be bolstered to avoid this scenario and ensure that some of the public parking spaces be retained for use during construction.  Members welcomed this amendment to Condition 12 and the proposed additional condition referred to above.


Resolved –


That the application be approved for the reasons stated in the report and in accordance with the conditions outlined in the report with the additional condition referred to above and the amended Condition 12 as proposed.






22/02502/LB - application for listed building consent for formation of doorway to South-Eastern elevation, steps, walkway and access to internal taxi rank at Central Railway Station, Westborough, Scarborough


Considered –


The report of the Assistant Director Planning (Community Development Services) requesting Members to determine an application for listed building consent for formation of doorway to south-eastern elevation, steps, walkway and access to internal taxi rank at Central Railway Station, Westborough, Scarborough.


Resolved –


That the application be approved for the reasons stated in the report and in accordance with the conditions outlined.






23/00404/RG3 - application for the erection of bar buildings, removal of decking and infilling of a section of lake, widening of footpath and extension to concrete base to rear of the stage at Open Air Theatre, Northstead Manor Gardens, Scarborough


Considered –


The report of the Assistant Director Planning (Community Development Services) requesting Members to determine a planning application for the erection of bar buildings, removal of decking and infilling of a section of lake, widening of footpath and extension to concrete base to rear of the stage at Open Air Theatre, Northstead Manor Gardens, Scarborough.  Updating the report, the planning officer advised that the comments of the Council’s Ecologist had now been received which endorsed the requirement set out in Condition 2 of the report for a Great Crested Newt population survey to be submitted together with a detailed mitigation strategy and translocation plan should that be necessary.  However, the Ecologist had recommended a further condition that a Construction Management Plan be submitted which ensured the protection of sensitive habits.  It was noted that since the pond to be infilled could notionally support only a small population of Great Crested Newts and limited habitat relative to the theatre site as a whole, that the development would not undermine the favourable conservation status of Great Crested Newts.


Resolved –


That the application be approved for the reasons stated in the report and in accordance with the conditions outlined in the report with the additional condition as recommended above in respect of a Construction Management Plan.






23/00399/RG3 - application for the demolition of toilet block at Prince of Wales Terrace, Scarborough


Considered –


The report of the Assistant Director Planning (Community Development Services) requesting Members to determine a planning application for the demolition of toilet block at Prince of Wales Terrace, Scarborough.  Updating the report, the planning officer advised that in light of evidence received that the toilet block could have been a Second World War air raid shelter, officers now recommended that the application be deferred to enable the applicant to investigate further the history of the site.


Resolved –


That the application be deferred for the reasons above.






Any other items


There were no urgent items of business.






Date of Next Meeting


Thursday, 8 June 2023 – Town Hall, Scarborough





The meeting concluded at 3.09 pm.




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